Together Nelson
A Community Action Strategy to Reduce PovertyTogether we can reduce poverty.
Together Nelson partners with community organizations, municipal and regional governments to better understand poverty and identify local strategies to reduce poverty in Nelson BC.
Nelson BC is a great place to live.
But not everyone is thriving in our community.
Over 2,100 community members live in poverty in Nelson – friends and neighbours – children, youth, adults and seniors.
Together Nelson is a community-based initiative, launched in the fall of 2020, to better understand local poverty in order to create a four-year Community Action Strategy to reduce poverty in Nelson & Area. This initiative identified tangible, measurable actions that will lift people out of poverty and prevent people from falling into the river of poverty.
We are people with experience of living in poverty, Indigenous people, community members, local businesses, local government, education, health, mental health and non-profit community organizations collaborating with diverse community members and organizations to make Nelson a more thriving community.
Two Key Principles Shape Everything We Do:
Nothing About Us Without Us
The voices of people with lived experience of poverty are at the heart of everything we develop. The Community Action Strategy to reduce poverty involves people with direct experience of poverty in steering the project’s overall direction, sharing agendas and promoting a clearer understanding of key poverty related issues.
Reducing vs. Alleviating Poverty
We recognize the importance of maintaining, and further supporting, the essential poverty alleviation efforts of our local organizations. Together Nelson’s focus is on reducing poverty which means lifting community members out of poverty by increasing opportunities that support economic independence, are pre-cursors to economic independence, or address high priority gaps in our community’s poverty alleviation efforts.
November 2021
Together Nelson is pleased to release its Four-Year Community Action Strategy to Reduce Poverty in Nelson & Area(2022 - 2026).

Nelson at its Best is a community-based multi-sector initiative aimed at strengthening quality of life & community well-being in Nelson BC.