We work collaboratively with all sectors of our community to identify & promote initiatives that aim to strengthen quality of life & community well-being in Nelson BC.
Together Nelson: A Four-Year Community Action Strategy to End Poverty
A community project aimed at ending poverty in Nelson BC
Nelson at its Best’s Together Nelson Initiative was initiated in 2013 to examine the nature and scope of poverty in Nelson and to take action towards reducing its impact and incidence. Since 2013, this initiative has conducted many consultations and interactions with a broad range of community representatives, other poverty reduction groups, and people living in, or vulnerable to, poverty.
The Together Nelson’s recent work includes completion of a two year, multi-initiative poverty reduction project Voices for Change along with launching the current Nelson Poverty Reduction Plan project.
Volunteer Hub Project
A community project aimed at supporting a coordinated approach to enable a thriving local volunteer community
Nelson has around 170 volunteer involving organizations and an estimated 4,000+ volunteers. Although volunteers make up the largest group of workers in Nelson, there is no centralized, coordinated support for our Volunteer Community. Nelson at its Best’s Volunteer Hub project was created to determine the community appetite for a Hub, establish a shared understanding of what services and benefits a Hub could offer, to identify and prioritize needs and barriers, and gauge commitment to using a Hub, including potential financial resources available in the form of Member Fees to support a sustainable Hub.

Past Projects & Highlights
Since our inception in 2006 we have worked together with our partners and the community to strengthen well-being through collaborative projects, events and initiatives.

Nelson at its Best is a community-based multi-sector initiative aimed at strengthening quality of life & community well-being in Nelson BC.